Monday, June 1, 2009

Engineer vs. Nature vs. Turf Diving

Now we have cleared out the shrubs and vinca, the rock is not aesthetically located. Stay tuned to see who wins the intense battle. All three competitors bring different strengths to the battle field. It is a battle of sweat, mind, and muscle (engineer) vs. stubborness (rock) vs. sheer enjoyment (Daniel).

If I were a betting woman, I would bet on the mind...sorry honey, your guns aren't that big...almost big enough though.


Ahren said...

Has anyone suggested dynamite?
(Just wondering if Dad's way of handling problems such as these got passed on to you Christian.)

Good luck!

Stacey said...

The wise man built his house around the rock, the wise man built his house AROUND the rock, the wise man built his house around the rock, and the good news is no one got hurt....

Yorgasons said...

That is hilarious!!