Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kayaking the Concord

 This picture makes me laugh.
First of all, look at the weight distribution in our kayak.
With that angle in the front, it looks like we were cruising,
but we were doing anything but cruising.

Let me describe what was really happening here.

8 kids 10 years old and younger
2 naive moms
4 kayaks (2 of which ping ponged the river...their captains were a little young)
Lots of goose poop
Some sunbathing turtles
Kids trying to catch fish with a holey net
Dripping wet pants
A couple of paddle smacked heads
Me, like a broken record saying

"Caleb, sit on your bum"
"Caleb, don't put your arm in the water, you will fall"
"Caleb, don't climb out of the boat"

So I strapped him on.
Then we made "progress".
But it was all about the journey and not the destination.

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