Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cub Scouter

Monday evening I told Daniel
"Tomorrow you get to go to Scouts."

Tuesday morning, Daniel didn't come up from his room in his pajamas as usual.
He came up fully dressed in his blue and gold, ready to go, happy and excited.
He had that twinkle in his eye.

Christian said
"Scouts is later tonight."
Daniel responded
"Like when?"
"After I get back from work."

Daniel walks away without saying a word and obviously disappointed.

He comes back a couple minutes later and says
"But Dad, like what TIME is it at?"

He just couldn't wait.
And now James is DYING to start Scouts.
And he has to wait more than a day to go.

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Josh started this week too - similar dressing up at our house. Love their enthusiasm! Miss you friend!