Monday, September 28, 2009

In Other News

Phase III of our boulder wall is in the works. This is what we built on Saturday:

Our neighbor (bless him and his family) showed up Saturday morning in our yard with a huge crowbar and work gloves. This was unsolicited help...and he stayed for 3 hours...on a Saturday! Who has neighbors like that?!?!?!? He gets the "neighbor of the year" award. Maybe even the Nobel Peace Prize.

So, not only did we move and stack all the rocks for the face of the wall, but we had to back fill the wall with more boulders so it wouldn't fall over. We did all this and only had two smashed on my hand, one on Christian's. You learn pretty quick to keep your fingers out of the way after getting them squished between two boulders.

We are about half way done I think. I'm sure no one is interested in our backyard rock wall, but I'm so proud of it. Our little muscles are moving those huge things!

In other happenings, I feel like I am at war with the creatures trying to invade my house. Right now I'm battling groundhogs and spiders.

I feel really bad, but I stuck poison down the 6 groundhog holes in our yard. Just so you know, I feel bad squishing an ant, so it about killed me to poison Punxsutawney, but he and his posse were making craters on the castle grounds. I guess we will not know if winter will be six weeks longer this year...but come on, we live in Massachusetts...of coarse it will be longer. Plus, has got Punxsutawney beat any day, not just February 2.

My second battle is in the basement. I decided to evict the Halloween decorating committee after I got bit by a BLACK WIDOW Saturday night. Yet another trip to the poison aisle at Lowes will solve that problem, and no I don't feel bad killing them. A mama duck has to protect her ducklings.

And finally in other news, my bribe bag is empty:

That's a lot of bribes.


Amanda said...

I have loved seeing your backyard transformations! I'm so impressed with all the work you have done. Keep the picture updates coming!

Tasha L. said...

Wow, I'm very impressed with the rock wall! You two have worked so hard!
How scary to get bit by a black widow! Good luck with the exterminations!

beadify said...

Wow, I would love a spacious forest backyard like that! How fun! I have a lovely wall in my backyard -grey cynderblocks about 15 feet from the back door! :) Good job on all the rock hauling - how's your back doing?

BJ said...

I felt bad killing our mice when we first moved in, not so much anymore.
We love your yard and are a little jealous of all the trees.