Thursday, September 24, 2009

You Can't Trust Giggles

I would guess that showering is a daily challenge for most parents with young kids. I'm sure everyone can relate to some degree with locking all the doors and taking the key into the bathroom with you, making sure each child is occupied with something, and then racing as soon as you shut the bathroom door. It is as if you are trying to set a world speed showering record.

Inevitably, as soon as you are indecent and just wet, you hear a squabble going on or a knock on the door with some request. You get pretty good at brushing things off. Then throughout your 3 minute shower and dressing, you hear a range of noises from delightful giggles to insistent commands. Sometimes you hear tears.

Well, Tuesday's shower started out normal, but I heard no squabbles. In fact, I only heard laughter and screams of delight as little feet pitter pattered back and forth in front of the bathroom which connects our two bedrooms. So I stood in the warm shower a little longer than normal.

In case you were wondering, I had 6 rolls of toilet paper in the hallway linen closet before my shower.

There were 0 rolls in the linen closet after.


ellen said...

That's cheap fun!!

Ahren said...

He he he, that's funny! I love your style of writing Tara, it makes the story that much better.

beadify said...

Ha, ha! That's great! I can so relate to shower struggles, especially with 2 little monkeys to get in trouble together!

Dan and Merideth said...

Thats funny! Boys will be boys!

Yorgasons said...

That makes me laugh!! How cute they are...when it is not you cleaning it up!! So much better than marker on the wall right?