Monday, July 28, 2008



I love it when they fall asleep with their arms over their heads!
  • Sleeping through the night most nights (thank you James!)
  • He's usually so happy and bubbly that he is flapping his arms and legs up and down in excitement.
  • Quite the belly laugher

  • "Reads" books out loud. It is so cute to hear him make up the stories to the pictures as he flips through in a book. He even remembers most of the story lines and will repeat them.
  • Needs a haircut, but I can't bring myself to snip away at any of those curly blond locks!
  • I added two more items to my list of "things to do before I die" after talking to my brother on the phone last night. I want to participate in RAGBRAI (Registers Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa). It is a week long bike ride across Iowa with about 15,000 cyclists where you start with you back tire in the Missouri River and end with your front tire in the Mississippi River. How fun is that?!?!? The other thing on my list is to participate in the LeClaire, Iowa tug fest. Basically it is LeClaire, IA vs. Port Byron, IL in a tug-of-war across the Mississippi. How fun is that?!?!?!? I might just have to spectate the tug-of-war since I will probably never be a resident of IL or IA.
  • I'm also loving our family's new schedule I posted about is working great and I'm a happy mama.
  • Working and travelling lots
  • Excited about the Adobe video editing software he gets to buy for a great discount from a friend!
  • Not so excited about RAGBRAI


Danny and Laura said...

Ragbrai is all we hear about in Iowa for two weeks straight when it is approaching and happening. It's always towards the end of July and the weather is usually hot and humid, so prepare to sweat a lot.

Tasha L. said...

The young men in our ward just completed a 465.2 mile bike ride! They rode from Oregon to Wyoming. It took them two weeks, averaging about 40 miles per day. One of the young men spoke in church and compared the bike ride to our life on earth (hardships, just keep going, have your goal in mind, etc.) Bob and I wondered if that meant that heaven will be like Wyoming? Yikes! Perhaps ending up in Wyoming was symbolic of where we will end up if we don't live right. (No offense to any readers from Wyoming)
P.S. Christian, I responded to you on one of your comments on Lisa's blog.