Originally the plan was to work on the basement, but with summer-like days, we ditched the dungeon and headed outside. My yard has never looked so good! We cleaned up all the winter yuck and planted flowers. I've never planted anything here. We are usually trying to kill things in the yard. We also burned yard waste for 6 hours. I'm not talking a small campfire burning for 6 hours, I'm talking about a boulder-cracking-bonfire-whose-embers-were-still-hot-two-days-later fire.
After the warm weather departed, we moved inside. The house had a layer of dust over everything, and within a day it was shining. I'm talking sparkling and glittering. There are no finger prints on any walls or windows, you could eat dinner off the floor under the fridge, and drink out of my light fixtures....spring cleaning at it's finest. I'm glad our house is cottage size.
You may be asking how did we get all that done with three small kids? Well, Grandma and Grandpa brought the entertainment too (more on that to come). I have never seen such dark dirt rings in the bathtub like I did this last week...I love that.
Thank you Mom and Dad.