Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mom Summer Camp: Day 4

Today was beach day.

We found the best beach...Good Harbor
It had:
Crystal clear, cool water,

white sand, and

challenging, but negotiable waves.

Both kids told me separately,

"Mom, I just love this!"

That does my heart good.
I love the beach too.
It takes me back to my childhood.
We used to go to the beach every Christmas.
(In S. America Christmas is during the summer, and it is always beach weather in FL and Mexico)
Once, we camped at the beach for a week.
We came back with sunburned lips!

We did have a little accident today.
I made Daniel walk back to the car like a penguin.
He just thought it was funny.
It was slow going though.


Unknown said...

We love Good Harbor Beach. It is the best beach by far!

Ahren said...

Oh man! I wanna come visit! That looks like so much fun.
Your "mom's camp" rocks!