Friday, March 26, 2010

New England's Spring Bounty

New England's spring bounty...maple syrup.
And boy did we enjoy the bounty.

But then we found the maple creek.

And we enjoyed that too.

Interesting Maple Facts:

It takes 30 gallons of sap to distill down to one gallon of syrup

Sugar maples are only found within 500 miles of the Great Lakes

Sap is harvested in the spring when the days are warm and nights are below freezing. The sap flows up the tree during the day and down at night as to not freeze in the cells of the tree and burst them.

The higher the sugar content of the tree the lighter the grade. Most sap comes out at 2% sugar and is then distilled to syrup which is 67% sugar. I like grade "C".


Shauna said...

Couple questions - why are you posting at 4am? Second, was the drinking directly from the maple tap thingy before or after the bucket spilled? :) Thanks for coming over yesterday, we had a GREAT time!

Dan and Merideth said...

Your boys are so cute! so much fun too!

Phil and Ronnie said...

Reading your blog makes me want to move to New England.. how fun. You guys always seem to be having a blast!