Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Little Piece of Earth

Ever since we moved into our house, we've been talking about planting a garden. Our yard is not very garden-friendly...half of it is boulders, the other half is shaded by 87687785 maple trees that each have about 6753487634598702 leaves on them that we rake each fall, and the land is sloped. I was giving up on the dream of picking ripe, warm tomatoes and eating them there on the spot until my neighbor mentioned the community garden.

So, miracle of miracles, we got the last piece of earth...plot B-14, and now we have 400sq ft of already tilled earth to plant whatever we want. Well, not whatever we want. The contract we signed said we would not plant
  • potatoes
  • illegal plants
We had to pay $20 for B-14. If only we paid $20 per 400sq feet of our house and land. Maybe we will sell this house and build a little cabin on B-14.


history145 said...

Hi I like your quote up top!

Vaden Chandler
The Arete' Blog

Yorgasons said...

haha!! That is funny! I am jealous though!! I want to learn to plant a garden. I know nothing of gardening so I think I will fail the first few years until I get it right! I am excited to see the out come of Lot B-14!!!