Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bunyan Business

Are you familiar with the Paul Bunyan story? The strong lad and his pet ox shape the landscape of the United States. They clear all the trees in the Midwest, build the Rocky Mountains, carve the Grand Canyon, etc. Well, some Bunyan business has been going on over here. First we felled all the "little"trees and dug their roots out so we can extend our grass. Then, Christian so Bunyan-like did this little number...

We had 3 dead trees that needed to be cut down. After getting a quote of $1500 to have them professionally removed, Christian suited up in his rock climbing gear with chainsaw in tow and saved us $1457 (we had to rent a 40ft extension ladder). Renting the ladder was a story in and of itself. The rental store is a half mile from our house. We don't have a vehicle capable of transporting such a ladder, so we carried it. It was hilarious. Daniel was on his bike and James in the stroller. I had one end of the ladder and Christian the other. The funniest part was seeing drivers faces as we crossed the street. The ladder extended across the whole street. The crossing guard stopped traffic for us...bless her.

So, after we get the trees all chopped up, Paul Bunyan needs to work on the Rocky Mountains.

We don't know how we got so many boulders in our yard. I think we were the rock graveyard for the neighborhood.


Tasha L. said...

Wow! I'm impressed. We've been having crazy winds around here, there are trees down all over. Do you want to come here next?
The story about the ladder is hilarious. Too bad you didn't have someone videotaping that adventure.

Tasha L. said...

Bob says to tell you good job. He's proud of your ambition & industry.

Nuttall said...

I wish I had been there to see you carry the ladder. It sounds so funny. Denise

Erica said...

Tara, you crack me up! I always love to read about your family adventures!