Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Winter Projects

My winter projects this year were very basic...window treatments for our room, the boys room and the dinning room, cleaning/organizing the basement, and making a product from an idea I've had for a year now. I hope to sell my craft on Etsy soon. I'm almost done with all the window treatments. I thought the ones in my room turned out rather nicely.

Well, yesterday we woke up to this in our backyard, and front yard, and everywhere...

So I have more time to finish my projects now. Maybe if I finish them soon, blessed spring will come. That is motivating enough for me to finish my winter projects. Besides, I'm already planning my spring/summer projects.

1 comment:

Naomi Forsyth said...

Ok so what are you making people are telling me all the time to sell stuff on Etsy. Truthfully, I think it would be a hassle, what are your thoughts??