Sunday, November 22, 2009

Once In A Lifetime

Daniel will be graduating from Sunbeams at the end of the year (he will be graduating because no one can fail). To graduate from Sunbeams, you need to participate in the annual Primary Program. This is how it went...

Daniel sat in the front row, by the banister, that to him resembled railroad tracks. Soon his hand became a "train". No train is complete without the proper sound effects. There were plenty of "chugga chugga, chugga, chugga" sounds made as his hand made it's way up and down the "railroad" tracks on the banister. At one point, the train conductor...Daniel, made the announcement

"All aboard!"

For the most part, Daniel was consumed in his train world during the hour long program. He did however do a great job saying his part very LOUDLY and clearly into the microphone. He even sang one of the songs.

There were a couple incidents of pawing back and forth between him and the boy next to him. There was also many times where he was just hanging over the edge and dangling his arms. And there I sat, in the congregation...helpless. Sometimes I wish I had Elastagirl's superpowers.

But really, for the most part, I just sat there beaming, watching my little Sunbeam do his thang!


Tasha L. said...

Oh, what a cutie! I wish we could have been there to watch his program! The primary program is my favorite meeting of the year!

Here's a funny thing about "graduating" from a primary class. This year they are re-doing the primary names. Primary 5 will no longer be the children turning 5, it will be the children who are five at the beginning of the year. I imagine "Sunbeams" will still be the same. I'm going to give all my kids a hard time about not graduating from their class. :)

BJ said...

Hey, can you send me your address so we can mail you a christmas card?

Drewmeister said...

Funny--I was sitting near the front but I somehow missed the choo-choo sounds.

Yorgasons said...

Oh my gosh, so cute!! I love the primary program because of the sunbeams!! My daughter now a CTR 5 sat in her seat the whole time sulking and did not sing one daughter...who will do anything to be in the spotlight...sat sulking! ARG! I loved how you said you with you had Elastigirl powers...ME TOO!!

Ahren said...

He he he, so cute!