Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas to Me

Christmas came early this year. Our heater was installed yesterday and was up and running today. Timing wise, this heater should have been a "Christmas in July" present. We started the whole switching heater process this summer. However (I'm going to be a little sarcastic), in Massachusetts you can't even paint the walls in your house without getting a government permit and having it inspected. So needless to say, the whole process took four months, but we are glad it is over. Just look at this beauty.

After two days with no heat and hot water (one day without water at all), I was READY to have both. I was so happy when everything started working I could have kissed the plumber who started the system...but I didn't. Instead I kissed Christian when he came home from work. He is the one responsible for our new heater, house, clothes, food...I kissed him a lot!

Circumstance created the "perfect storm" for wanting a luxuriously long hot shower. I hadn't showered or been warm in two days. James was napping and I put in a movie for Daniel to watch (which is a special treat because he only gets to watch movies when I clean the house or we have a family movie night). Needless to say, my shower was so hot and so long I had to swim through the steam to find my towel. My skin was as pink as a cooked lobster and my toes were swollen. I think I used 39.8 gallons...and we have a 40 gallon tank. Ahhhh.....

Then, I drew a nice warm bath for the boys and let them play in the water until their fingers and toes were wrinkled. The bath was so long I had to turn the hot water back on for a while. I pulled them out, moisturized their skin, and put them in clean jammies. Now they are both snug little bugs tucked in warm, cozy beds.

I hope your Christmas is as warm and cozy as ours.

PS- I think this picture is so funny...That James, what a character.


ellen said...

A Christmas to remember...

Ahren said...

Yeay for heat and hot water!
I like your family photo. Looks like you're having a great Christmas season.

Nuttall said...

You might not know, but our family blog has a link to your family blog. I love reading about your family and keeping up with the latest news. It is especially nice because we seldom get to see you. You have a wonderful family. I am so glad you finally have heat and hot water. Denise(of the Cory Nutts)

Amanda said...

Congrats on the new heater! It's been freezing here and your hot shower description made me want to go enjoy my water heater right now! I'm loving the family Christmas photo too. Your mantle and stockings are so cute.

Unknown said...

Yea! I hope you had somewhere to go when it was freezing in your house. Merry Christmas!

Dan and Merideth said...

Man! thats alot of pipes there!!

I love reading your stories! Your so wonderful! glad your loving you hot water!!

Yorgasons said...

YAY!!! I can't live with out my hot showers!! I am so glad you got it all done!! That picture is way cute of you guys!! I wish I had a fireplace and mantel...(sigh)...someday...someday!! Thanks for the email!!

Amanda said...

A fine piece of workmanship! We miss you guys!