Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So Inspiring

So, we don't have cable TV, or even bunny ears for that matter, but I have been checking the news online every day and tracking the Olympic swimming. I find it so inspiring. They make it look so easy and beautiful.

I was a huge swimmer growing up and watching the Olympic swimmers brings back a "flood" of memories; 5am practices before school, 5pm practices after school, 3 hour Saturday practices, miles and miles of swimming, the constant smell of chlorine on your skin, opening a new pair of goggles, the nerves before a big race, brittle hair, ahhh. Anyways, I'm so excited for when my kids are old enough to join the swim team (I hope they want to). Swimming was such a great way for me to learn principles like hard work, sacrifice, self-discipline, team work, self-confidence...things that have helped me my whole life. I'll even take my kids to 5am practices (they are waking up around that time now)!

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