Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday Morning Donut Run

Saturday morning found Christian at an early morning meeting and wet snow.

So we went and got the really good donuts...the 20 minute drive each way donuts.
For all you non New Englanders reading this you may think 20 minutes for donuts is not so bad.
But, there are two Dunkin Donut shops within three blocks of my house.
I probably passed about 987634597862345 Dunkin Donut shops on the way to Kanes.
But once you have had a donut from Kanes, there is no going back.


Danny and Laura said...

Mmmmm. I want a good donut. Have yet to find one here in Lehi, UT.

Drewmeister said...

Looks yummy--you'll have to introduce me to Kane's sometime :)