Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Was Wrong

There were three things I feared about living in New England

Cost of Living

We have been here almost three years, I am here to tell you that the first two fears are legit. Barney Frank got re-elected this past year...enough said. We practically sold all our children, and our unborn children for our walls and roof. But, I was wrong about winter.

It's breathtaking sometimes.

Without it, some trees are not climable...

...and the landing not so soft when you jump down.

And when else can you make a real "snow" cone

and then go inside and sip hot cocoa cuddled on the coach with a movie?

That is how our days have been...

winter bliss...



Gaylene and Emil said...


You have such a good attitude!

Mom H.

Ahren said...

You're right, snow makes it so beautiful sometimes. I wish we could have more of it here since my girls LOVE playing in it.
Your boys are so adorable! I love how you really live in the moment of each day and see life with such a positive attitude.

Tasha L. said...

I bet you'd find a way to enjoy life, be grateful, and have fun even if you were in a concentration camp. I love that!
We are enjoying the beauty of winter, here too. Everything looks so gorgeous and like a fairy-land.

Drewmeister said...

What a positive attitude about winter! I always love reading your blog.