Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Summer Fling

It was 770 today. I did what any rational person would do and scratched every commitment we had on our calendar and headed to the beach for one more summer fling. Some of the days note worthy happenings are:

1. While driving to the beach I got honked at for about 10 seconds straight and then had the bird flipped at me for about 4 seconds as the upset driver passed me. All that for driving on the dotted white line. Try explaining that to your inquiring kids. Such kind and refined folk in these parts.

2. James tripped running away from a wave. The wave caught up to him. It was cold.

3. As soon as I opened the plastic grocery bag containing our lunch about 30 seagulls flew over, and that is no exaggeration. They got no lunch from us. Daniel valiantly fended for our little piece of beach. James tried to chase the birds off too, but he is not fast enough to get them to fly away.

4. Both James and I were facing the ocean, seated on the sand. James was sitting about two feet in front of me. I was feeding Anna. With no fore thought for his actions, James took a fist full of sand in each hand and threw it behind him...where we were. Now Anna has a 25 inch frame that carries almost 15lbs on it which is quite conducive to folds and crevices. Getting sand out from under about 3 chins and little ears is no easy task. Poor girl. She was a sport. She didn't complain one bit. I complained for the two of us. I still don't think James realizes he was the one responsible for that.

I love those kiddos. I love those 770 days. Farewell beach. We will miss you but will be back to play on your shores as soon as 770 comes again. Hopefully sooner than later.

1 comment:

Gaylene and Emil said...

Oh, Tara, I was laughing so hard at your description of Anna getting sand in all of her "folds" and then that picture of her just made me laugh! Your blogs are so fun and your children are sooooo cute! When Lisa was young, she had a seagull come and snatch something right out of her hand at Sea World and it bloodied her finger--so BE CAREFUL around seagulls-they can be vicious! Mom H.