A couple weeks ago we went to the Lego store. Daniel fell in love with the Lego fireboat. Being the "wise" parents we are, we decided to try and teach about work, savings, and delayed gratification.
For the next couple of weeks Daniel diligently took out the trash for which we paid him $.28. He thought about the boat constantly. He prayed at night for his fireboat.
Well, when we finally announced to him he had enough money and we were going to the store so he could buy his fireboat, he could not contain the excitement.
I was so proud of him. He walked into the store carrying his empty peanut butter jar converted into a piggy bank. It was full of small change. He walked up to the counter and handed the whole piggy bank over to the cashier.
I could tell he was proud of it. I was proud of him.
He slept with the fireboat two nights in a row. Now he is saving for the fire truck.