Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Toast to Health

There has been a miracle in our family.  My sister-in-law has been healed of cancer.  You can read about her story here.  She did not use any conventional methods for treating cancer.  She changed her diet and was cured.  No way could I sum up her diet, but you can read all about it on her blog.  I wanted to write down some of my thoughts on the matter.

Our church has a bill of health called "The Word of Wisdom".  Most people know this bill for what it forbids (coffee, tea, alcohol, drugs, etc.).  The health rendered by not partaking of the forbidden substances is obvious and well known.  There is another section of the Word of Wisdom, in fact most of it, that is dedicated to what we should eat to take care of our bodies.  I have learned so much about this part of the Word of Wisdom by watching my sister-in-law go through this healing process.  We already ate pretty healthy, but since October, there has been a lot more veggies and fruits on the table and a lot less refined/processed foods.

I am so grateful for a bounteous earth that produces fruits, vegetables, seeds, and herbs for our benefit and health.  It is so great to be alive.  I love life.

Cheers to life!


ajensen said...

Tara, do you have a juicer? I just spent a long time reading your sister in law's blog. What an amazing woman huh! :) That is such a miracle. I liked reading her homeschool blog too. So impressive. Miss you guys!

Tasha L. said...

Oh, Tara, you are so sweet. Thanks so much. I have definitely learned a lot through the whole process. Our bodies are amazing, and good nutrition is a gift.