Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Love the Mountains, I Love the Rolling Hills

Last weekend we packed our car up to the gills, threw our bikes on the back, and went camping. Daniel gets so excited about camping, I hesitate to tell him we are going before the actual day we go. He gets more excited about camping than he does about Christmas.

With bikes in tow, we drove to Vermont. Our $10 yard sale bike rack squeaked and complained the three hour trip up and back unless we drove about 63 mph. Temperamental thing. Our Saturday morning bike ride was well worth the pain of hauling the bikes though (Christian may differ on this). We rode 5 miles on a beautiful trail and Daniel rode the whole way...5 miles! I couldn't believe it. The only break he took was a stop to play in the river.

He did have two over-the-handle-bar accidents this weekend on his bike. The one drawback to learning how to ride a bike with a balance bike is, not learning how use the brakes. Daniel has been relying on dragging his feet to stop. Since the accidents he has learned how to brake. Now he understand why I've been a broken record about using bike brakes. I guess some things you just learn the hard way.

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