Monday, September 15, 2008

The Sandbox

We have this great mud room connecting our house to our garage. Last week Daniel and I dumped 250lbs of sand into our small swimming pool and now we have a sandbox. Two of my childhood dreams that I will have to live through my children are:
  • A sandbox at home
  • A tree house
We'll build a tree house later, but for now we have the sandbox. There has been a lot of construction going on out there. Watching Daniel play in the sandbox reminds me of my brother. He used to love playing in the sandbox...he probably still does.

I may regret having this sandbox just 5 ft from my house, but Daniel loves it, and that makes me happy. It doesn't bother him to have sand caked on his scalp.

Doesn't James look like a teddy bear in those pjs?

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