Friday, December 6, 2013

The Force

 James:  "Mom, I have 'The Force'"
Mom:  "Oh really!  How do you know you have 'The Force'?"
James:  "The other day, Jackson was trying to hit me with the ball, but he couldn't because I used 'The Force'...well, he only hit me a little."
Mom:  "Wow!"
James:  "Then this morning, I used 'The Force' to turn on the light in the bathroom...well, half way."
Mom:  "That is amazing!"

So, what did we do with this info?
What every other great parent would do.
We plugged our Christmas tree lights in to a remote switch.
We told James to turn the lights on and off with 'The Force'.
I wish you could have seen his face when the lights turned off for the first time!


Amanda said...

You guys are amazing parents. This is awesome! :)

Ahren said...

Our girls thought this was great! Super cute!