Sunday, January 20, 2013

12 Days of Christmas Vaca

 So Jackie (my mad scientist friend) dropped off a little package for us back in December (well, it wasn't exactly little and it wasn't just one).  She gave 12 experiments to do over Christmas vacation.  Each day came with a little card that said,

"On the (insert number) day of Christmas Vaca science chick gave to me..."

 We made snow, catapults, electro-magnets, crystals, fountains, orbs, sea monkeys...I can't even remember everything off the top of my head.  It was such a cute gift. 

 The marshmallow catapult may be the favorite of the bunch.

Thank you crazy science chick.


Tasha L. said...

Tell her she needs to start a blog so we can all do these fun experiments. What a fun idea for a 12-days of Christmas gift!

Amanda said...

Every time you post about your science friend I find myself insanely jealous. I need to find a mad scientist friend! Or maybe just fly to Boston every week where I can join the fun. :) So awesome.