Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It's Maple Sugaring Time

Utah Visit

 I was recently in Utah for my 94 year old Grandma's funeral.
It was lovely.
It was so fun to see all my family.
I felt naked walking around with just Kate.

 We got to visit the new Provo tabernacle temple...just the outside.
It was packed.
The outside was beautiful. 
I can't wait to go through it.

Seeing my family was the best.
Check out this four generation photo.


 Right now, Daniel is wrestling, playing the piano and cello, rebuilding an electric scooter engine, and learning how to hack into computers.  His favorite day of the week is Tuesdays...Cub Scout night.

 James plays the piano and is learning how to hack and program computers.  He has the most loyal heart.  

 If I were going to describe Anna in one word, it would be "Aggressive". 

 Cabub's favorite thing to wear starts with his army suit as a base layer, followed by SWAT cop, and topped off with his police costume.  He walks around with at least two accessories (guns) at all times.

And Kate, she is everyone's favorite toy.  I am afraid she will never crawl because as soon as I put her down, she gets whisked away.  She is a little lamb and we are all madly in love with her.  She is madly in love with us.


Where Are You Winter?

 This winter, we have been to the beach more than we have been...


 I am feeling a little jipped!

 I love the snow.