Thursday, January 12, 2017

I Was a Stranger

Summer 2016 in 19 Photos

 4th of July is summer's kickoff.
So we'll start our summer in 19 photos with the 4th of July.
The 4th of July would be incomplete without
sticky, sweaty kids dressed in red, white, and blue,
watermlon, games, water balloons,
patriotic berries with whip cream,
hamburgers, friends,
and tired kids at the fireworks show.
Look at all these cute Yankee Doodles.

 Daniel goes to his first day at scout camp
while James hammers fire scorched iron on an anvil.

 As soon as I think I have figured out all my neighborhood has to offer,
someone tells me about another gem.
Added bonus...the Saugus Iron Works happens to be around the corner from Kanes Donuts.

 Since I refuse to get a domesticated pet,
our kids find their own and bring them home
(well, we do have 12 chickens and 50,000 honey bees).

 Our garden was quite productive, despite...

 ...the drought we experienced this summer.
But when the heavens finally opened up and dumped on us,
we all enjoyed the rain

 along with summer's strawberry, blueberry, and apple bounty.

 We tried our luck at harvesting from the ocean, but only took home two cod fillets totaling 1 pound.
So we all got one delicious bite.
However a 5 foot blue shark chased down our other catch.
Kate was unamused as she was so sea sick she threw up 4 times.

 We camped, climbed, gazed at the un-light polluted star sky, and swam in the clean NH rivers.

 Our busy bees gave us 50lbs of honey.
Bless them.

 Mostly, we spent the summer at the pool.
Kate loves the water.
This was a big summer for Caleb.
He learned to ride a two wheeler and swim on his own.

 Here is Kate and her bud Topher celebrating Christian's 40th birthday with a surprise dance party.
Next summer they will tear it up on the dance floor.
This year, they were still a little wobbly.

 There are moments I sit back and examine my life.
Right now I feel complete gratitude.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I Am Back For Good

  I was about to throw in the towel on blogging,
but blogging is my best journal.
Trying to catch you up on the last 8 months will be impossible, so I am starting fresh from today, and I am determined to journal more of the precious little moments each day brings.

So here is a quick snap shot of where everyone is. 

 Daniel is a wise and happy boy.
His world revolves around trucks, drones, scouts, and an insatiable desire for social gatherings.

 James is the most compassionate kid I have ever met.
His creativity and imagination keep him busy crafting wooden weapons and little inventions.

 Well look at that face.  If that doesn't scream determined, I don't know what else would.
Anna is a huge fan of horses, wolves, and conquering challenges.

 Caleb is my little buddy and pretty easy going...mostly easy going.
Being the fourth child, he SWAT uniforms it up and seeks to establish justice himself.

 And finally, Kate.  She is such a little peanut with such a big personality.
 We cannot get enough of her babblings and words.

I will be back soon to write all the little moments I want to remember...bottle it all up the best I can.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Canobie Lake

We took the kids to Canobie Lake.
School isn't out yet, so I thought we would miss the crowds.
And then they came...the big yellow buses.
And they kept coming.
And coming!
And Coming!

And who got off of them?
No, not families...
...Middle Schoolers!!!!!

But we still had a lovely time.
So lovely in fact that this is the only picture I got.

Poor little Kate's nose...
...learning to walk is not for the faint of heart.

Lemonade $.50

 These guys have their marketing and advertising down.
They made $23 in a little over an hour.
And I'm pretty sure, they drank all the lemonade and just collected donations.

Sales must have been down for a bit.
There was some tick-tack-toe shirking.

It's Not Fair

When you are the 4th and 5th kid,
you get to do a lot of hanging out,
and playing in the dirt
while your siblings do cool things.


Run of the Valkyries

 I may be hanging up my Ragnar shoes after this year.
Never say never, but you can't top this year's experience,
so you may as well go out with a bang.
I mean, look at this...

 ....we had wings,

beautiful vistas,

 bestest of friends...

 but, I am a little sick of porta potties,
and preparing my talk on the gym floor say the least,

 and feeling like this....
not so fun.

 But, oh the memories!